Weekday Ride On Sunday, 7th 200+ Mile Week In A Row
Most of my Sunday bike rides don’t venture too far from Kingwood due to the late start. Today I broke the mold and rode my Kingwood-Community Drive-Valley Ranch route, more of a weekday ride. The last time I rode this route was April 5th, 2023, though the routes are not identical. Starting after church on my Lynskey Helix bike at 1:27 PM it was hot. Fortunately the humidity was “only” 63%, not the 90% on yesterday. I rode a steady pace but not pushing it too hard. The cold water from my CamelBak taste good. Passing through the shade felt cooler. A good ride to finish the week. I rode each day but one was inside for a total of 234.62 miles. I’m getting closer to my 908 mile goal for the month with 758.2 miles (83% of the way there).