Changed The Route On The Fly
When I rolled out on today’s bike ride I planned to ride my “Kingwood to Ramsey Road – Huffman” route but then I thought about extending it to Peters Road and as I rode over Lake Houston I changed to the my “Stroker Road – Huffman” route to maximize the miles. I left at 9:13 AM, a couple minutes later than yesterday and finished at 12:35 PM almost 20 minutes earlier than yesterday for a 43.88 mile long ride which was slightly longer than yesterday’s ride on the Spring Creek Greenway. I forgot to mention that yesterday my Lynskey Helix bike crossed the 1,000 mile point with 1,016 miles since I received in late May. Today I rode my Cervelo Caledonia and it is approaching 4,000 miles at 3,975 miles since I bought it in February. I checked SportTracks for the week of HH100 last year and saw that I rode this route then too.
I’ve rode the “Stroker Road – Huffman” route 3 times this year, all on the Cervelo Caledonia bike. Today’s ride was the longest and the fastest average speed. Today the maximum average speed was 14.2 mph. To get the extra distance I changed the streets in the first 2 miles so before getting to W. Lake Houston Parkway I was ahead of the typical distance but only slightly.

The weather forecast toned down the rain threat influencing my decision to extend the ride. The temperature was low enough for me to leave the CamelBak at home and rely on a waterbottle. I stopped at the Chevron station in Huffman to refill the bottle on the way back to Kingwood. It didn’t reach 90 by the time I finished, a pleasant change from earlier in August. Humidity was 99% at the start producing a cooling effect until I warmed up when it changed to a sauna feeling and soaked kit clothing when I ended the bike ride. Weather conditions: start 76 (humidity 99%, dew point 77), mostly cloudy, wind W 5 mph; finish 87 (humidity 69%, dew point 76), mostly cloudy, wind SW 8 mph.
The favorable weather and light wind aided my utilizing the 35×13 gears for 2:08:55 (30.9 miles) but I changed to 35×15 riding west over Lake Houston out in the open with the headwind. Link to the ride report for more data. Interesting that this report shows the ride distance to be 44.1 miles, longer than Strava’s by 2/10’s of a mile. Usually the distance agrees with Strava.