HomeBike RideVirtual Bike RideZwift – Neokyo Makuri Islands Sleepless City TFC Group Ride (D)


Zwift – Neokyo Makuri Islands Sleepless City TFC Group Ride (D) — 2 Comments

  1. I too found group D shenanigans in EVR Winter Series 25.3 mile race on Sat. 1/22/22 Route:Greater London Flat.
    To ride 1:15 my power curve intersected at 2.06 w/kg. The group D riders took off at a pace of 3.2-3.8w/kg and held 67/551 riders for 20 min. (also im line with power curve) before I was too tired push anything except sub ftp. By 5 mi to go it was recovery level for 1 min interspersed with intervals.
    somehow I ended up in 10th place w/ avd of 2.2 w/kg but it was a 99% effort. Thanks for posting about this issue.

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