Windy Bike Ride To Liberty County
As I got ready to leave on today’s bike ride I took a screenshot of the local weather. That told me a very windy bike loomed. The wind was out of the south at 18 mph with 24 mph gusts. I headed that direction on my “May Park Community Center – Huffman” route. I biked this route 2 times in 2021 so far. Today I rode my Lynskey R300 bike.
Punching the start button at 11:43 AM as I rolled into the street I could feel the wind right away. Fortunately the temperature was warm enough to dress lighter than yesterday with shorts, a long sleeve jersey, and a short sleeve jersey. Occasionally the sun broke through the overcast sky and warmed me up as the wind blew.
Biking through Kingwood in the early part of the ride the wind was blocked by trees and houses. Once I left turning to the south the wind got strong. I’m not sure when the wind let up but by the 2:36 PM finish it was down to 14 mph from the south.
Until I reached the Liberty County line and turned around the wind attacked from my right side or front. After that I faced less headwind except for the usual open crossing of Lake Houston on FM 1960.
Golden Cheetah summary of the bike ride data. The power output fell inline with my usual efforts.