Weekday Morning Cyclists Bike Ride
After hitting the Elemnt start button at 8:27 am I didn’t expect to see any other cyclists that early on a weekday morning but I did. I rode south and a group of about 10 cyclists rode north as we passed at Kings River Driver on W. Lake Houston Parkway. I almost did not see them but I glanced up to check the traffic and I spotted them through the median bushes. I was riding the “Atascocita – Walden – E. Lake Houston Parkway” route early because of a later appointment and I wanted to get some miles in before then. Also it would help cut down the miles I needed to reach my July goal. The route produced 27.02 miles moving my July total to 785.73 miles leaving 15 miles to reach the 800 mile goal. Friday’s ride should put me over that. Before retirement a ride this distance would have been a long one.
With the early start the weather wasn’t heated up yet though that will happen later in the afternoon. During the ride weather: start 76 (81% humidity), partly cloudy, wind NW 4 mph. Finish 88 (61% humidity), partly cloudy, wind W 6 mph. The high humidity at the start made it feel cooler for a few minutes until the perspiration started flowing. Thankfully I wore my wrist bands to keep my hands and gloves somewhat dry.
No rest stops to keep the time shorter and the somewhat cooler temperature didn’t require as much water. I finished the ride at 10:27 am.