17 Degrees Keeps Indoor Trainer Spinning
What a shock to see 17 degrees when I walked into the breakfast room and looked at my home weather station. No outside biking today. After doing my indoor workout as I write this it is 32 degrees outside. Turning on the water faucet produced brown muddy water as the water lines were taxed by people dripping water to keep pipes from freezing. Houston is not prepared for this cold weather. Bridges covered with ice kept people home. I saw a number of crashes reported.
Inside it was much warmer especially as I started my workout. I had a problem getting the PowerPod to show watts but I think it was an operator error from pushing the start button too long. Wahoo Fitness said the would ship a replacement speed sensor. The Garmin speed sensor is filling in while I await the arrival.
Today was intervals. As an older cyclist I am working up to double digit intervals with today marking 6 intervals. I pedaled to 24+ mph and held it for a few seconds and then cooled for the rest of the mile.
So far I biked 114.79 miles this month, all indoors on a trainer. Maybe I will ride outdoors in January.