Heavy Legs – July 24th Bike Ride
Riding to Huffman today I varied the route a tiny bit once I got over Lake Houston going down W. Lake Houston Parkway. Nothing big but I skipped these streets for awhile to try some others. I planned to ride 30 miles or more and ended up at 31.62 miles averaging 15.5 mph. This put me over 4000 miles with 4027. July moved up to 701.79 miles.
Weather continues to be warm but I caught a break at the 10:50 start at 84.7 degrees and 66% humidity. The forecast was for 99 degrees but I had my doubts because the sky was overcast and the light 9 mph SW breeze felt a little cool. Later at 1:24 when I got back home it had increased to 93.7 degrees and 47% humidity. It must be my jersey selection today that my perspiration dripped a lot at the Huffman Chevron while I stopped.
I did not have too much trouble maintaining a good pace except when I left the Huffman Chevron heading west on FM1960. The wind really made pedaling hard and my speed never rode much above 15 mph. Once I got the west side of the lake and turned onto Atascocita Shores the wind let up or my legs got stronger and I increased my speed. The rest of the route I went in and out of the headwind as I changed direction but kept the speed up around 19 to 20 mph. On Fairlake Drive I encountered another bicyclist going the opposite direction. He was wearing a red, white and blue jersey with a big white star on the right front. We waved just before a car drove between us. Riding south on Fairlake Drive I thought the time for a train might be near and as I went over the tracks I looked to the left and in the distance was the end of the train stopped. Crossing over the tracks on FM2100 at FM1960 I saw the train engines standing. I think the engineers stopped for lunch or maybe a potty break.
Tomorrow the forecast is 97 degrees. I need to start an hour earlier than today but I can’t seem to get out the door for some reason.
Links to Garmin Connect and RideWithGPS.com metrics and maps. The route around here are as flat as a pancake. Wind is the challenge.
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