Some Dirt and Bridges – March 6th Bike Ride
I was inspired to ride the trails in Kingwood by a blog post I found yesterday about Houston’s Bayou Trails Network getting some forward movement. Kingwood is in the City of Houston but we are rather isolated from most of the city. We are north of the San Jacinto River which creates a natural barrier for biking trails. The trials network could address this problem. Another possible resource is a pair of bills in the current Texas legislature that would limit the liability of the utility companies in Harris county if they open their rightaway to hiking and biking. Maybe I will ride these trails in the next 10 years.
With the lack of rain the dirt portion of the trails are bone dry which you can see in the picture. If I had to pick a theme for today’s ride I would say dirt and bridges. I rode 16.44 miles. The wind dropped down to almost nothing compared to the last two days at 6 mph variable direction. The temperature was a pleasant 70 degrees and the sun helped warm me up when I came out of the woods. My March miles increased to 143.93 and year to date I rode 825.52 miles. I wore leg warmers, two jerseys and a windbreaker jacket to ward off the chill.
Some pictures along the trails.
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Links to Garmin Connect and
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