West of the Cool Water – January 22nd Bike Ride
The clouds left overnight leaving a blue sky for today’s ride. Temperature just got over the 70 degree mark with 71 when I rolled out at 1:33PM and easing up to 70 when I finished at 3:27PM. A little wind today from the SE at 7 mph. My winter weakened legs and four days of riding could only manage a 14.6 mph average speed. I did hit 20.6 mph for a maximum speed. It might get to 75 tomorrow so I could dress lighter. I wore a long sleeve jersey, shirt sleeve jersey, leg warmers and windbreaker jacket today. The weekend still looks cooler and maybe wet on Friday.
I chose a route to stay west of Lake Houston again by going further west and riding through Atascocita, Eagle Springs and Walden at Lake Houston. Maybe these few warm days will increase the water temperature so the breeze coming off the lake will be warmer. This route totaled 26.38 miles. Two other bicyclists were out enjoying the sun and almost warm weather. January miles now total 176.96 miles, leaving 90 miles to my 267 mile goal for January. This route is mostly on residential streets. I noticed that there are many trees that don’t lose their leaves during winter.
Links to Garmin Connect and RideWithGPS.com.
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