The wind shifted to the southeast – April 17th Bike Ride
The blue skies and moderate temperature continued today. The wind shifted to the southeast and kicked up to 20 mph. It was 80 degrees when I finished my ride. These conditions should have helped the BP MS 150 riders as they finish the ride into Austin today. Again I had a nice tailwind as I rode north away from home but when I turned south at the 10 mil mark the headwind slowed me to a crawl at times when I was in the open areas. Even the trees did not offer much protection. I still managed to average 14.7 mph overall. One 5 mile section I averaged 16.7 mph but this was with the tailwind.
This was a good mileage week with 145.92 miles riding 5 days out of seven. My conditioning is improving from the winter level as I can ride into the wind and not totally come to a stop. Around this area wind is the challenge since there are no hills except for overpasses. The upcoming week will have good riding conditions as the dry weather is expected to continue.
No riders out today along my route; they must all be somewhere between La Grange and Austin.
April mileage update:
- April miles 371.59
- YTD miles 1198.26
Additional charts, weather and map.
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