Hotter ‘N Hell Hundred – Wichita Falls, TX
Hotter ‘N Hell Hundred and the cycling community of America can look forward to continued innovation in 2009, GPS mapping, and changes to Hell’s Gate. Riders and racers from all over the USA will celebrate the 28th annual Hotter ‘N Hell Hundred on Aug. 29, 2009. Hotter ‘N Hell Hundred will continue to excite record numbers of participants and add to their fitness experience.  The Hotter ‘N Hell Hundred is one of the oldest and largest cycling events in the nation. Fitness oriented riders and bicycle racers will come to Wichita Falls, Texas, from virtually every state and several foreign countries. They will set their calendars for the week of Aug. 27 – Aug. 30, 2008. The official ride start will be approximately 7:00 a.m. (official sun rise) on Saturday, Aug. 29, 2009. The Endurance ride is Saturday Aug. 29,2009 with USA Cycling racing on Friday and Saturday. The HHH will continue to offer an off-road mountain bike race on Friday August 28, 2009 and a trail run on Sunday August 30, 2009 as well. By the way, the HHH is always 9 days before Labor Day.
Route distances are:
10K – 25 mile – 50 mile – 100KÂ – 100 mile