Vernon Burnin’ Bike Ride – Vernon, TX
The Vernon Jaycees welcome you to the thirteenth annual Vernon Burnin’ Bike Ride, You are invited to join other cyclists as they blaze the roads of Wilbarger County. The ride promises to be fun and challenging, for the novice as well as the expert. So bring your water bottles and come prepared for a hot time!!
Entry Fee….will be $20.00 per person if pre-registered as of August 1st ,2008.Please pre-register so enough supplies will be available for everyone ( everyone who pre-register is guaranteed a T-shirt) .After August 1st,all entry fees will be $25.00.Make checks payable to Vernon Jaycees.
Packet Pick-up/Late registration…
6:00 pm-7:00pm Friday 15th at the King Physical Ed Center at Vernon College. Starting at 6:00am the day of the ride at the King Physical Ed Center at the Vernon College.