After 4 days of Zwifting I moved to outdoors for today’s bike ride. The temperature was in the mid-40’s when I got up and the forecast said mid-70’s in the afternoon. I waited to start the ride until 11:53 AM for the temperature to get to 68 to avoid wearing leg warmers. There was plenty of sun, the wind was light at 6 mph from the east. I donned shorts, a long sleeve thermal jersey, and a short sleeve jersey. The initial 3 miles was chilly but as my body warmed up and I rode in the sun it didn’t feel as chilly. By the end of the ride at 2:29 PM I was comfortable. Normally on Friday bike rides I go north but today I went south and east on the Atascocita – Walden – Huffman route riding my Canyon Endurace CF 7 bike. I thought my legs might be tired from Zwifting but they powered me along the route getting my overall average speed up to 14.5 mph. That felt good. Today was the 18th time biking the route in 2023. There will be more before the year ends. I rode 36.01 miles and my goal for November is 360 road miles, 10% of the way there. The Bolt V2 computer had the new start screen for the first time. A little learning time and I like it. Less button pushing to check sensors before the ride. I include my favorite graph, cadence breakdown.
Some elected leaders say they don’t believe all residents want or would benefit from more bike lanes all over Dallas
Dallas officials want to make it easier to bike in the city, but several council members are skeptical the changes are needed citywide.
At least four City Council members said Wednesday during a presentation by city transportation officials on Dallas’ bike plan, that they didn’t see the point of adding more bike lanes to every part of the city in the hopes it’ll increase ridership. A small network of dedicated and connected bike lanes, trails, and other paths may be the best option to address making cycling a more viable option for residents, they said.
“I think we’re missing the mark here if we feel that we have to find a project in every single district,” said council member Adam Bazaldua, who represents the South Dallas area. “But if…the end result doesn’t …
Hey @Staples, I biked to your store today at 1919 Taylor St in Houston, but there’s no good place to park my bike. Could you please install bike parking? The store is right off a major hike & bike trail
Briefing at today’s @DallasParkRec board meeting about long term planning for @BachmanLake. Earlier this year we did a trail infrastructure ride to identify some of the accessibility challenges and opportunities ??
In a city built for cars, Dallas faces growing pains when it comes to making neighborhoods bike-friendly.
City planners are working on updating the city’s bike plan for the first time in more than a decade. It comes as demand grows for an improved bike network across the city.
Dallas Director of Transportation Gus Khankarli gave a status update to city council members Wednesday.
“The infrastructure was built for vehicles, and was built for all these things,” he said. “So now we’re having to retrofit.”
A city survey found that 87% of respondents support …
Pearland Bicycles opened a new shop on Cullen Road at the beginning of October, owners said.
The bike shop serves the needs of cyclists and aims to introduce new riders to the joy of bicycling, per its website. The store offers a full service center with mechanics who can service several makes and models of bikes. Customers can receive a free estimate on repairs.
Additionally, Pearland Bicycles sells a selection of rides—including electric, commuter, mountain and fitness bikes; as well as equipment, accessories and parts.
Opened early October
2819 Cullen Parkway, Ste. 112, Pearland
I was concerned about riding Zwift today. During the night my ISP did a maintenance update and my internet service wasn’t working correctly. I called support and described my problem. The rep said there were problem areas and checked with the network engineers. He said he would call back with more information. About 15 minutes later he called back and asked if the problem was solved. About 5 minutes before he called the internet was back with no problems. Relived I planned today’s Zwift ride.
Checking stage 5 of the Tour of Watopia there was one route left that I had not rode, Going Coastal. The length was 10.2 miles with 208 feet of climbing. I liked the small amount of climbing but I wanted to ride at least 21 miles for a total of 100 miles for the week. I decided to ride Going Coastal and reverse the ride after finishing the route. I wondered how much climbing there would be on the reverse. I didn’t think it would be as much as my previous rides this week. When I reached the turn around point I pressed the reverse arrow on the companion app but nothing happened. Using the mouse I click the program screen on my monitor and that reverse arrow worked quickly. On the way back I think I made a wrong turn at Epic KOM choosing Fuego Flats instead. I think the Epic KOM would have returned me to where I started. No problem though because I was able to set a Zwift PR for the last 90 days on Fuego Flats beating my previous time by about 2 minutes.
We visited Station Mountain Bike Park for a Sneak Peak. Opening November 3rd 2023 we got to get a Sneak Peak of this awesome park 1 hour outside Austin Texas. With amazing Jump lines, Greens to Prolines, and the Biggest Jump in Texas is this park going to Conquer all the others as the best in Texas?
Bring your kid's bike or borrow a balance bike (no pedals) at the FREE kids bike rodeo on Sunday, November 5th, 12 PM – 5 PM at Velo Republic's Super Duper Swap Meet at the North Texas Fairgrounds.
A cyclist rides along a trail near Memorial Park by Loop 610 on Tuesday, Oct. 31, 2023 in Houston. Uptown Management District, acting as the county improvement district in the area, will receive $18.5 million in federal funds for an improved bike connection between the area west of Loop 610 to Memorial Park. The freeway is a major barrier for bicyclists, which the project will eliminate by crossing Buffalo Bayou and then creating a trail along the banks below Loop 610. That trail will then connect with the existing trail along Woodway.
The overwhelming task of getting to Memorial Park from Uptown by bike or on foot is poised to vastly improve, provided a $22 million project for a bridge across Buffalo Bayou and underpass of Loop 610 come to pass.
“The West Loop has always been this wall that makes getting to memorial park harder than it ought to be,” said John Breeding, president of Uptown Houston.
Uptown, acting as the area’s county improvement district, was awarded nearly $18.5 million last week for the project aimed at better non-motorized access to Memorial Park. As the park has added amenities and seen reinvestment in trails, running facilities and its eastern portion, use has grown and with it, the …
For over a decade, the Marfa100 has welcomed cyclists of nearly all ages on a West Texas adventure
As the moon crept between the sun and the Earth, an unexpected chill ran through the air along Ranch Road 2810 in Marfa.
We’d gotten off our bikes after 31 miles to peer up at the sun’s visible crescent through flimsy cardboard eclipse glasses, but hurriedly remounted as the temperature began to drop—almost grateful for the mile-long climb back up onto the plateau, away from the Chinati Mountains, back toward town. The 2023 Marfa100, a 62-mile cycling race held in Marfa, coincided with an annular eclipse on Oct. 14, lending an unusual magic to the yearly two-wheeled jaunt through the alpine desert. I fell in love with the ride in 2017 and haven’t missed one since, each year recruiting more friends and family members to travel out to West Texas with me for the breathtaking—if not strenuous—route down RR 2810. …
DALLAS – The City of Dallas is working on a plan that would make it safer for bicyclists.
Several Dallas City Council members expressed a desire for city staff to create a connected system that will allow more people to use bicycles as a way to get around, and not just for recreation.
“Years ago we said we want to be a suburban-style city and have roads that go everywhere and that is why you have districts like mine and further into District 12, because we made that decision as a city to go horizontal instead of vertical,” said Councilwoman Jaynie Schultz.
Council members want city staff to focus on connecting bike lanes where …
EAST TEXAS, (KTRE) – Lufkin, Huntington, and Coldspring are three cities across Texas receiving funding to bring sidewalks, bike lanes, and other infrastructure to their communities.
Member of Angelina Bicycle Club, Lynnette Wood says places for pedestrians and cyclists to travel safely are rarely available.
“Where there are sidewalks, they just end abruptly. You run out of sidewalk and you’re either in the grass or have to move to the roadway and I know many cyclists who prefer not to ride on the roads because they do feel unsafe,” said Wood.
Lufkin will receive more than $1.7 million for new sidewalks on Angelina Street and Atkinson Drive.
DALLAS ( – Whether you live near Dallas Love Field or if Lemmon Avenue is your gateway to a getaway: brace for some big changes. Progress is coming, ushered in, of course, with construction.
“It’s just like every day there’s more and more of the project being completed just down the street,” says Darren Doutt, who lives in a nearby neighborhood. “It’s great.”
Construction is just beginning on the project that encompasses the area along Lemmon Avenue from Collville Avenue to Shorecrest Drive, and Shorecrest Drive from Lemmon to Webb Chapel Extension.
According to city leaders, the upgrades will make the area safer, more accessible, and more attractive: with a new gateway feature, sidewalks, bicycle paths and more. …
Embracing the Unknown ?????
Despite the twists and turns, we are happy to keep Houston riding! ?