Remembering all of the things to do before a bike ride fell through the cracks today since my last outdoor bike ride December 18th. I forgot to check the battery on my GoPro camera, switching the Bolt computer screen at the start of the ride to show the route instead of numbers, were just two of the things. On the plus side the low GoPro battery gave me the opportunity to use the RockBros Cycling Power Bank for the first time. I connected the GoPro to a charger while I got ready and it charged to 42%. When I started the ride I plugged the power bank USB C connector into the GoPro. The red charging light came on. I stopped at the Chevron station at FM 1960 and Atascocita Shores Drive before riding east over Lake Houston. The power bank charged the GoPro to 91% while I rode. This extends the recording time greatly depending on the size of the microSD card.

I rolled away at 11:25 AM riding my Cervelo Caledonia bike. I wanted to ride at least 34 miles towards my 334 road mile goal for January. January outdoor biking can be unpredictable due to the winter weather. I chose the Atascocita – Walden – Huffman route with a couple of extra streets in North woodland Hills Village and rode 35.2 miles. Today’s weather was the warmest of the week so far and tomorrow it will turn cool again. Weather during the ride: Start 71 degrees, humidity 80%, dew point 64.2, mostly cloudy, wind S 10 mph gusts 22 mph; Finish 77 degrees, humidity 64%, dew point 64.0, partly cloudy, wind S 12 mph gusts 24 mph. I didn’t notice the wind too much because many roads went east/west with a crosswind. One thing road rides differ from smart trainer rides: vibration from the road and bumping the saddle up and down. My butt got soft from not riding since December 18th. I finished the ride at 2:19 PM.
Editing the video took longer than it should have. Adobe Premier Elements added about 50 minutes of blank video to the end of the video. I didn’t catch that until later. Davinci Resolve fixed the problem.