2007 Texas Legislative Session: Which bills made the cut, failed, or are still in consideration?
FAILED – Bicycle Passing: Would have required motorists to give bicyclists at least three feet of space when passing.
Continue reading →About Rick Ankrum
In 1999 I had a burning desire to create a web site focused on Texas bicycling. Over the years this web site has existed many people have visited. As I think of information I need to bicycle I add them to the web site.
9:00 AM, Johnson Space Center-Gilruth Center, Space Center Blvd, Gate 5, Building 207. Your journey will take you through Johnson Space Center, passing the Saturn V Complex at Rocket Park and Mission Control Center as you blast off for an … Continue reading →
Pre-Event activities begin 10:00 p.m. “ A fun filled evening for the entire familyâ€? Cost $20 per Registration. ****Helmets, lights and reflectors are required**** This event is typically underwritten in entirety by sponsors, so all entry fees go to the … Continue reading →
The Houston Chronicle Business section has a front page article on Houston oil companies encouraging employees to ride their bicycles to work. Exxon Mobil, BP and ConocoPhillips are among the Houston-area employers trying to make it easier for employees to … Continue reading →