Cycling the Greenways: A Rewarding Labor Day Ride
What better way to celebrate Labor Day than to labor pedaling the Spring Creek Greenway to Dennis Johnston Park and the San Jacinto Bayou Greenway on the way back. I should’ve started earlier than 10:19 AM though. The Cervelo Caledonia was the bike of choice today. I didn’t know if a lot of people would be on the greenway because of the holiday. When I reached the US59 trailhead there were a number of vehicles parked there with several people tending to their bicycles. As I entered the greenway several cyclists rode towards me along with people walking. From there the number of cyclists went up and only some made it in the video. The last time I rode to Dennis Johnston Park was July 3rd, 2023. I have beyond that park since then. The weather was good with mostly cloudy skies and in the mid 80’s. The trees blocked some of the 13 to 15 mph wind once I was on the greenway but riding back from US59 the wind got the better of my legs. Riding the greenway is different from the open roads where the stops and starts give my legs a brief rest. On the greenway I usually don’t stop except for one rest break. Today I stopped at John Pundt Park on the way back. No people on the San Jacinto Bayou Greenway or bike route streets. I finished at 2:32 PM riding 47.16 miles. This put me slightly ahead of the pace to reach September’s 866 mile goal. I received these Strava top results: 3rd fastest time on Evy’s Run (3:48) and 3rd fastest time on Punde to Dennis Johnston (11:13).