Surpassed June’s Goal Riding North: Kingwood – FM1485 – Kingwood
I rode north on my Canyon Endurace CF 7 bike following the Kingwood – FM1485 – Kingwood route. Rolled away at 9:36 AM trying to get a jump on the hot part of the day. I needed 8 miles to reach my June goal of 908 miles and I passed that by biking 33.34 miles. June now totals 933.9 miles. I made a couple of changes to the usual streets taking Valley Ranch Blvd. south to Valley Ranch Bend Drive instead of Valley Ranch Parkway. Entering Oakhurst I turned right onto Avalon Park Drive from Briar Berry Lane. I finished at 12;15 PM. As I walked up the driveway a light rain started but lasted maybe a minute.

Weather: Start 87 degrees, humidity 76%, dew point 78.9, mostly cloudy, wind SW 6 mph; Finish 88 degrees, humidity 73%, dew point 78.0, cloud cover 21%, wind SSW 6 mph gusts 10 mph.