Be Gator Safe! Kingwood Streets And Trails On Lynskey Helix
Nothing fancy on today’s bike ride around Kingwood streets and some greenbelt trails. It began at 1:35 PM on my Lynskey Helix bike. Weather: Start 82 degrees, humidity 76%, dew point 73.3, cloudy, wind SSE 17 mph gusts 25 mph; Finish 79 degrees, humidity 81%, dew point 72.9, cloudy, wind SSE 17 mph gusts 26 mph. The wind has been strong for 3 days now. I biked 19.74 miles closing out the week with 233.95 miles. April increased to 819.91 miles, surpassing my 799 mile goal. 2 more potential biking days left if the weather will cooperate. Biked everyday this week. Seeing a few sprinkles I finished the ride at 3:20 PM.