Blue Lagoon, Mount Railroad Overpass, Warm. What More to Want?
I pulled a route out of the past for today’s bike ride, Atascocita – Balmoral – W Lake Houston Pkwy – Walden. The last time I rode was August 2nd this year. The ride goes south staying west of Lake Houston through Atascocita, Eagle Springs, The Groves, and Balmoral with the Blue Lagoon. Since the Timber Forest Drive railroad overpass opened earlier this year I expanded the ride up the overpass to Lakewood Pines to the u-turn at West Lake Houston Parkway. I rode up the overpass hill twice testing my legs and gear choices. Today’s ride was the 4th time following the route and the longest at 38.09 miles, about 1/2 mile longer than the previous ride. I think the slight increase came from taking different streets after turning left off of Will Clayton Parkway on the way back. Timber Forest Drive traffic is light considering its length and four lanes. The weather was beautiful and warm enough that I left the long sleeve jersey at home and wore arm sleeves. I finished the ride at 1:43 PM. Strava top results: PR on Mont Chemin de Fer (2:06) and Local Legend on Kings View U. Mont Chemin de Fir is the railroad overpass south bound. The week now totals 134.69 miles.
Weather: Start 78 degrees, humidity 69%, dew point 67.4, a few clouds, wind W 6 mph; Finish 83 degrees, humidity 54%, dew point 64.7, a few clouds, wind W 9 mph.