Road Construction Drama On The Kingwood – SH 242 – Kingwood Bike Ride
Another exciting bike ride with good fall weather. After riding south and east the last two bike rides I turned to the north on a route I haven’t done since August 7th, Kingwood – SH 242 – Kingwood. Aboard my Cervelo Caledonia I set off at 10:28 AM, much earlier than yesterday. The previous ride was 37.01 miles and I wanted ride at least that far to improve the week and month totals. I rode farther today, 38.23 miles. This was the 5th time on this route in 2023. I’m not sure why I don’t ride it more often. Maybe the road construction at SH 242 dissuades me? The road construction is still there with the frontage road down to one lane on the north and south bound roads. Today I saw people working though not many. This project has been ongoing for years. Another road project, the Loop 494 bridge over Caney Creek, is almost finished and today I rode across it (see the video). Later on Loop 494 north of Kingwood Drive the new lanes that had not opened are now open. Traffic might be an issue on these lanes at certain times during the day such as the Kings Manor school dismissal hour.
I haven’t included the gear usage charts in a while from the ride report. Here are the charts from today’s bike ride.

I like to look at my cadence for the bike ride from the Stravini Chrome extension on Strava. I don’t consider turning the pedals 9441 times during the ride.