Not All Rides Go As Planned. Two Acts of Kindness Saved This Bike Ride
Not all bike rides go as planned. I rode away at 8:59 AM on my Canyon Endurace bike on the New Caney – Gene Campbell Blvd route. I need to come up with a more descriptive name for this route. The last time I biked on the route was July 7th for 38.94 miles. I rode through two Kingwood Villages, Woodridge Forest and Adams Street without a problem. Taking E. Knox Street to the US59/I-69 frontage road I ran over a large rock that would’ve put me on the asphalt except for my firm grip on the handle bars. I thought the rear tire would go flat but it felt firm as I rode over the bumps on E. Knox St. My assessment was correct but not until about 3 miles later when the rear tire went flat by the unopened Amazon warehouse between FM 1314 and Community Drive. I walked to Rosewood Funeral Home for shade and quiet to find the problem. Walking just fast enough to register as movement my overall average speed dropped below 11 mph when I found some shade.
Removing the rear tire and the tube I pumped it up and found a tiny hole. I’m not known for great patching skills. While sitting my legs started cramping and I moved around to ease the pain. The nice groundskeeper that I talk to when I visit my wife’s grave came over and asked about my problem. He went inside and came back with a bottle of cold Gatorade. It tasted great and the cold was very welcomed. The first but not last act of kindness I would receive today during the ride. The tire patched I aired it up to test my work and it held air. Back in the tire I aired it up to when the bead popped onto the rim, squeezed it and was satisfied. I rode around the parking lot to check the tire before resuming the ride on the north bound frontage road.

The ride went well from that point. I made a loop through Porters Mill and stopped at the swimming pool for a short rest in the shade and water from the cold water fountain. Gene Campbell blvd. took me to FM 1314 where i turned left. This put the wind from my right rear quarter and eased my work which had been into a headwind or crosswind. No problem with the rear tire so I stopped at the Circle K store at Sorters road. Sitting in the shade with a couple of other men I ate two granola bars and a cereal bar. While I ate a young man came up asked how far and where I was biking and then handed me a big bottle of cold water. I thanked him. The second act of kindness. How amazing! These acts of kindness tied into The Upper Room Devotion I read earlier this morning, No Kindness Too Small. Praise the Lord for these two people.
Leaving Circle K for the 12+ miles back home it was hot, dry, and windy. Earlier on Gene Campbell Blvd. I said to myself, today was training for the Hotter’N Hell 100 on August 26th in Wichita Falls. When I finished at 1:05 PM my home weather station showed 99 degrees.