After 4 Months Kingwood to Ramsey Road – Huffman Bike Ride
Before today’s bike ride I checked my ride history in SportTracks to see when I last rode the Kingwood to Ramsey Road – Huffman route. I didn’t expect it to be over 4 months ago on March 7th, 2023. I fixed that today. The bike choice was my Canyon Endurace and the ride started at 8:44 AM. To inspire me I watched some of stage 10 of the Tour de France pausing with around 88 km left. I wanted to finish before the hottest time of the day and did that at 12:01 PM. The March ride was 39.33 miles and today I rode 39.42 miles.

I wasn’t the only cyclist out today. I saw four others on Fairlake Lane.
When I got to Ramsey Road I took a short break at the bridge and took these photos.

My legs were tired from yesterday’s 40 mile ride. The hardest part was riding west over Lake Houston into a headwind. The wind felt cooling but taxed my legs. Weather: Start 84 degrees, 80% humidity, dew point 76.8, mostly cloudy, wind S 8 mph; Finish 91 degrees, 66% humidity, dew point 78.2, mostly cloudy, wind SW 8 mph. Link to my ride ride report.