After 11 Months Biked Spring Creek Greenway To Dennis Johnston Park
On yesterday’s ride I saw cyclists riding and speculated they were riding to the Spring Creek Greenway. That triggered me to decide to ride the Spring Creek Greenway today. For added miles I would ride to the Dennis Johnston Park. The last time i rode to that park was September 12th, 2022, for 46.31 miles. I mounted my Canyon Endurace CF 7 bike and headed out at 8:52 AM. I must’ve changed the route a little from the September ride because today I biked 47.12 miles. Those miles moved the July total to 101.63, 13% of the way to the 800 mile goal. I finished at 1:12 PM.
There were many cyclists on the greenway on the way to Dennis Johnston Park but not many on the return trip. None were on the San Jacinto Bayou Greenway and bike route as I rode back to Kingwood. I didn’t get all of them in the video.
I stopped at John Pundt Park on the way back to eat a bagel and rest. While I was there Preston Pitts pulled into shelter. He was riding on the way back to Dennis Johnston Park. We talked about bikes, riding, and other things. It was a great visit.
Weather: Start 84 degrees, 80% humidity, dew point 77.6, partly cloudy, wind calm: Finish 93 degrees, 56% humidity, mostly cloudy, wind variable 5 mph. In the shade I felt a slight cooling in the temperature probably from last evening’s rain. The greenway had damp spots in some of the shaded places.
I got two Strava medals: PR on Jesse H. Jones-1st Bridge (4:50) and 3rd fastest time on 10mi Home run (41:42).