Oh, Deer; and The Lynskey Helix Bit Me
I decided today was the day to ride the Spring Creek Greenway to John Pundt Park for October. I might ride the greenway again this month at least I will have one ride in. I started earlier than yesterday pulling away at 10:04 AM riding my Lynskey Helix bike. To get to the US59/I-69 trailhead I rode through Elm Grove Village, Sherwood Trails Village, Woodridge Forest, North and South Woodland Hills and Forest Cove. On the way back I took a different route along Hamblen Road to Forest Cove Drive where I connected with the San Jacinto Bayou Greenway to woodland Hills Drive back into Kingwood. Mostly on less traveled streets or greenbelt beside busy streets. I had an encounter at Woodland Hills Drive and Kingwood Drive on the way back when a car pulled up beside me in the right turn lane (I was going straight) and the driver told me loudly I should be on the sidewalk and only powered bikes should be in the street. As he drove away I told him to check the Texas laws but I don’t think he was interested. After that I continued on to the finish at 1:49 PM.
I try to bike the greenway at least once a month and today was the 9th time biking to John Pundt Park this year. In September I went farther to Dennis Johnston Park. Today’s ride covered 42.58 miles, slightly above the average of the other rides. I used three different bikes over the 9 rides. The week now totals 115.5 miles and I am 29% of the way to the 651 mile goal for the month.

There were some other cyclists on the greenway but not many. I did see something I had not seen before, 3 deer. As I rode from the Jesse Jones Parking lot to the NW up ahead I saw a deer beside the greenway. The deer saw me but didn’t panic but moved into the tall brush to the right. I thought as I got closer she would disappear but as I rode by I saw 3 does eating and they raised their heads but stayed put. The spot was opposite of the gravel parking lot near the small shelter. You can see them in the video.
As I rode to the Carter Park trailhead I came around a bend and saw a county maintenance crew blocking the greenway (its in the video, too). They were putting hot liquid asphalt on cracks. As I approached I saw there wasn’t enough room to ride beside the truck and trailer so I got off the bike as one of the men waved me forward. I thought about riding on the dirt but changed my mind for some reason. Good thing I didn’t ride because there were several big holes in the dirt. But as I walked the Lynskey passed the truck the left pedal bit the back of my right calf. At first I didn’t think it was that bad but when I looked blood ran down my leg to the top of the sock. (the bit is in the video, too) I didn’t have anything to wipe the blood so I rode onto the Carter Park trailhead restroom and got some tissue, dabbed the blood some but it didn’t stop it. After riding some I think the air dried the blood and at John Pundt Park I got more tissue and wiped the blood some more. I made the mistake of wetting some tissue to wipe the dried blood off but I must’ve touched the cut area and a path of blood formed down to the sock. I left it alone after that until I got home where I put some liquid bandage on the area and covered it with a bigger bandage. I didn’t think the Lynskey would bite me because I’m the owner but it did. I should’ve put the pedal in front of my leg where I could’ve seen it.
After a short break at Pundt Park I rode back to the US59/I-69 trailhead. On the way back I passed the work crew again but this time there was enough space to ride by them.
I stopped at the first bridge on the greenway after entering at US59/I-69 and took these photos.