Trek Bicycles Kingwood Taco Ride For Bloom Fitness
I got up early to ride to the start of the Trek Bicycle Kingwood Taco Ride benefiting Bloom Fitness. I have a personal connection with Bloom Fitness because my niece has a disability and they come to the learning center she goes to. I rolled away at 7:02 AM to ride to the Trek location, about 2 miles from my house. As I approached the store I saw a number of vehicles with people getting their bikes ready and riding to the store area. We were scheduled to roll at 7:30 but we were a few minutes late with instructions and the president of Bloom Fitness telling us what they do. I would guess maybe 150 cyclists were there. We divided up into the usual A, B, C groups with each start a couple minutes after the group ahead. I chose the C group because I slow and older. The C group probably numbered 20 to 30.
From the store we rode to W. Lake Houston Parkway heading south. After a brief wait for the traffic light to change we moved ahead. It didn’t take long for the group the pick up speed and I was off the back. That was okay since I knew most of the roads and had the route loaded on my Bolt computer. I caught up with them at Atascocita Shores and FM 1960 as they waited for the light to change. Once it change they were off and I was off the back again but not necessarily alone with a couple of other cyclists nearby. I could see the group ahead about a mile and I kept them at that distance for many miles.
The next time I joined them was at the Chevron station where the route turned around to head back. Everyone was taking a break, filling water bottles, and snacking. I had my CamelBak so I was good for water. I stayed a few minutes and then left before they did. I figured they would catch up and pass me later. Riding north on Bohemian Hall road at the first cross street a lady cyclist was stop on the cross street and she asked if I was part of the ride. I turned left and went over. She said they made a wrong turn and got off the route. I told her the group was at the Chevron station about 1/2 mile to right. As we talked more cyclists joined us coming from the wrong street. They had a brief chat and decided to not go to the Chevron station but start back to Kingwood. I think there were about 10 in that group. It didn’t take too long for them to catch and pass me. Later I saw the lady stopped on Old Atascocita Road. I stopped to check on her and she said she stopped to drink and check her phone. I rode on and another group came up behind and passed. I kept them in sight for awhile and caught them at Fairlake Land and FM 1960 while they waited for traffic to let them go across.
Below were taken at the Chevron store turn around point.

From there I saw a couple of other cyclists and passed one on Atascocita Shores Drive. Usually I don’t ride on W. Lake Houston Parkway passed Kings harbor but today I rode to Kings Crossing Drive and turned left thinking this would be the best way to get back to the Trek store. But when I got to Town Center the streets were blocked with a festival and I had to ride around the tents and booths.
Back at the Trek store the food truck was there, two tents and chairs up and people were eating ad drinking beer. I decided to head back home but I made one more stop at the Houston Police station on Rustic Woods to report a crime. I did that and rode to the end of the ride at 11:12 AM. Not much later than my usual Saturday ride but about 20 miles longer.
After the ride I checked my ride report and was surprised to see that I used the 35×12 gears for 10:47, no wonder it felt hard to pedal at times. I don’t remember when I shifted to that gearing. I used the 35×13 gears 2:52:27, the majority of the ride (44.2 miles).
Strava showed 5 top results. 4 show in the image below.