Rain Outside, Zwift Inside Riding Watopia Triple Flat Loops
It finally happened, it started raining around 8 AM as I sat down to eat breakfast and continued until the cutoff time to ride outside about 10:30. Not wanting to miss a bike ride I decided to ride in Zwift. Since my last ride using Zwift was April 15th I figured I would need to check my computer, OBS software, Blue Norcross AL bike and remember how to select which event to ride. The Zwift companion app listed a bunch of events but I didn’t find one with the distance (over 20 miles) and a good start time. I decided to create my own group event. Watopia was the world I selected and then I landed on the Triple Flat Loops route for 21.7 miles. While setting the start time I messed up and pick 11:45 PM instead of 11:45 AM. I fixed that when I noticed the start time was 12 hours away.
ZwiftInsider.com information about the route: “Originally published as Zwift Insider’s first Rebel Route in April 2019, “Triple Flat Loops” covers all three of Watopia’s “flat” routes, including Fuego Flats’ Tick Tock, Volcano Flat, and of course the classic Flat route. Zwift’s February 2022 update included this route as an event-only route that awards an achievement badge. The April 2022 update then made this route free ridable.”
The Triple Flat Loops route ride wasn’t too hilly and I maintained an average speed of 16.1 mph. I rode a little more than the 21.7 miles to set up getting to 200 miles for the week on Saturday’s ride. I’m an optimistic cyclist. Today’s virtual ride moves my week total to 174.72 miles.
I should’ve went to the Zwift garage and upgraded my bike. The skinny tires and frame looked out of place compared to my real life bikes. I didn’t realize I rode this route two times earlier in the year. Today’s ride was slower than the other two but Strava showed a 3rd fastest time on Rebel Route: Triple Flat Loops (1:18:33) which confirm my slower ride.

I didn’t livestream the ride because I now have gigabit internet. It took about 3 minutes to upload the 12GB video file.