Unexpected Rain Break In Auburn Trails
I guess I added several extra streets on today’s bike ride because the distance of 39.36 miles is the longest of all the times I rode the “New Caney – Gene Campbell Blvd” route in 2022. Some of the mileage was while I was going through Elm Grove Village early in the ride and maybe a few tenths of a mile came biking through the new Peppervine community towards the end of the ride. Most of the time I ride this route on Friday but it was Wednesday for this one. The average distance of the previous five 2022 rides was 37.7 miles. I rode my Lynskey Helix bike and rolled away at 9:01 AM. The last two rides have been on the Lynskey Helix bike.
I took a short break in Porters Mill at the pool which was busier than my last visit. At the exit onto Gene Campbell Blvd. I took these photos.

At the start of the ride I didn’t even consider rain being possible but as I rode south on Briar Berry Lane I felt a few drops and at the entrance to Auburn Trails I made the decision to find a place to get out of the rain. The rain was slow to pickup giving me time to ride to the splash pad park and find shelter. Not long after arriving at 11:32 it rained hard for about 10 or 15 minutes. I gave it a few minutes to dry the streets some and resume at 12:06. At the Northpark Drive and frontage road there was no sign of rain so it must’ve been a small patch of rain. After I finished the ride at 12:54 PM and went inside I heard some rain hitting my skylight but not for long. I thought I would be home around 12:20 or sooner. The hot street surface evaporated the rain quickly. The photo below was not long after I stopped at the spalsh pad park.

Up to the rain it was hot but not very windy so I was able to get my overall average speed up to 13.4 mph. The gearing on my Lynskey is lower than the Cervelo which is why I think it takes me longer to get my average speed above 13 mph. Checking the AXS.SRAM.com ride report I saw overall moving time of 3:04:32 and 1:59:33 using the 33×13 gears.
Weather conditions: start 86 (humidity 76%, dew point 78), partly cloudy, wind SE 5 mph; finish 89 (humidity 66%, dew point 76), mostly cloudy, wind S 8 mph. Rain stop in Auburn Trails.