Lynskey Helix In The Sun+Heat Riding To Gene Campbell Blvd.
It seems like Friday arrived sooner than usual. I chose my “New Caney – Gene Campbell Blvd” route for today’s bike ride not realizing I didn’t ride it in the month of June. I’m not sure why I skipped it but July will include at least one ride on it. Out the door a few minutes earlier than yesterday pressing the start button on the Bolt computer at 9:14 AM on my Lynskey Helix bike. This was the first time to use this bike on the route too.
Looking at the summary of the year to date rides on the route today was the longest of the by .01 of a mile at 38.19 miles. I’m at 180.6 miles for the week making Saturday’s ride the one to get me to a 200+ mile week. Three different bikes on the 5 rides. Recent road construction on Gene Campbell Blvd. added a shoulder from the middle school to the first entrance into Porters Mill.

The heat slowed me some so I stopped in Porters Mill at the pool to rest in the shade. There wasn’t much wind and when a wisp came trough it felt good. Later I stopped at the Circle K at Sorters Road to add ice to my CamelBak. Thankfully the headwind wasn’t that strong riding SE on FM 1314. Weather conditions: start 86 (humidity 77%, dew point 78), a few clouds, wind S 4 mph; finish 90 (humidity 60%, dew point 74), partly cloudy, wind SW 8 mph. I finished at 12:19 PM as it was getting hotter.
Only 9 RD shifts during the 2:48:17 moving time. Once I shifted into the 33×13 gear I stayed there for 2:09:47 (30.6 miles).