Not My First Route Choice But A Good Bike Ride
Today’s route wasn’t the one I thought of first but it turned out to be a good ride (in the video I give more details). It started at 9:29 AM with some sun and mid 80’s. For a change of pace I rode my Lynskey Helix bike when I usually ride my Cervelo Caledonia on Tuesday. The route is what I call “Kingwood to Ramsey Road – Huffman” but I altered it a little in Kingwood riding on some side streets. Later on Ramsey Road I went north farther than I normally do before turning around. By the time I finished at 12:37 PM I biked 39.65 miles, the most miles of the 4 times I rode this route in 2022.

Weather conditions: start 86 (humidity 73%, dew point 76), partly cloudy, wind S 12 mph; finish 92 (humidity 55%, dew point 73), partly cloudy, wind S 8 mph. The wind wasn’t too much of a challenge. I enjoyed some tailwind riding east on Old Atascocita Road and some headwind going west on FM 1960 from Huffman.
With the different gearing on the Lynskey I used the combinations differently from the Cervelo. The ride report shows a total moving time of 2:57:56. I used the 33×13 gearing the most at 1:15:09 but I also used the 33×12 52:24. I don’t have the legs to use the 12 tooth rear cassette for long on the Cervelo.
The Stravini Chrome extension reports 7733 Crank Revolutions, 01:52:30 Active Cadence Time. So I coasted more than I pedaled (2:57:56 minus 1:52:30).