Searching For The Right Gearing – Kingwood Bike Ride
In June when you start a bike ride after noon expect it to be hot. Today’s bike ride was no exception. Wheels down on the ride at 1:37 PM after getting home from church. With that in mind I chose to bike the Kingwood streets and finished at 3:10 PM after riding 19.14 miles. This was the ninth time riding Kingwood streets in 2022 but the first time on my Lynskey Helix bike. The week ended with a total of 237.17 miles, the most since the week ending 5/2/2022. June miles are up to 160.2, 20% of the way to my 800 mile goal. Year to date I’ve biked 3,920 miles. While this falls behind the YTD miles for 2020 and 2021 it is more than the years 2011 to 2019. Maybe I can get closer to 2021 and 2020.

Weather conditions: start 89 (humidity 57%, dew point 72), mostly cloudy, wind SE 9 mph; finish 92 (humidity 52%, dew point 72), mostly cloudy, wind S 9 mph. It seems the strong winds from May have softened to single digit speeds saving my legs from working so hard into headwinds.
The ride report gearing information is hard to compare since the crankset gearing is not the same as the Cervelo’s. With the total moving time at 1:31:02 and the gearing difference I used the front derailleur to compensate for the difference from the 48×35 on the Cervelo and the 43×30 on the Lynskey. The gears I used: 43 for 1:06:29 and the 17T rear cog for 1:01:06. It gets complicated figuring out how much time I spent in the 19T and 15T gears with the 43T front gear. I shifted around to find a ratio that felt similar to the 35×15 and 35×13 on the Cervelo. I think the 43×17 was close. I used the 30T front gear for 24:02 in the early part of the ride until I found the combination that felt good. I made 2 FD and 9 RD shifts.