Wheels Rolling at 8:05, Hit 200+ Miles For Week, Other Cyclists
I wanted to start the bike ride before 8 AM but I settled for 8:05 AM. I need to start getting ready at 7:30 if I’m going to get rolling before 8. With the early start (for e anyway) I hoped to see other cyclists and I did. I chose my “Atascocita – Huffman – Walden” route and rode the Cervelo Caledonia bike. Before the ride I needed 16 miles to hit 200+ for the week and I biked 33.49 miles making it a 218.02 mile week. June improved to 140.87 miles with a 800 mile goal. Year to date 2022 totals 3,901 miles compared to 3,983 in 2021 and 4,120 in 2020. Some days I gain on YTD 2021 but I was a busy cyclist in 2020 and don’t seem to narrow the difference much. So far I’ve rode today’s route 8 times. Today’s ride was average for the route. I saw an announcement on one of the message boards riding west over the lake that traffic lanes will change on June 8th beginning at 7 PM. Not sure how that will affect my riding over Lake Houston.

I saw numerous cyclists starting at FM 1960 and Atascocita Shores Drive heading to the east. That is a highlight of Saturday bike rides. My GoPro skills need improving to capture them on video. The GoPro freezes sometimes when cyclists are passing or I think it is recording but really is not. Consistency is not a GoPro 10 feature.
Weather conditions were favorable with light wind and moderate temperature, no threat of rain, and sunshine. Weather data: start 73 (humidity 92%, dew point 70), mostly cloudy, wind N 7 mph; finish 84 (humidity 69%, dew point 73), mostly cloudy, wind E 4 mph.
With the light wind my legs powered the ride in the 35×13 gearing for 1:31:51 (22.6 miles) out of a total moving time of 2:25:31 according to the AXS.SRAM.com ride report. I used the 35×15 gears for 31:38 (6.8 miles). A modest 27 RD shifts.