200+ Mile Week, Some Heat, Bicycling Forest Cove – Oakhurst – Kingwood
Easter Sunday bike ride. I rolled out at 1:55 PM on the Lynskey R300 bike. Needing 5 miles for a 200+ mile week I didn’t choose a long route but “Forest Cove – Oakhurst – Kingwood” biking 21.4 miles. The only other time I rode this route according to SportTracks was October 27th, 2021. Today I didn’t ride quite as far as October 27th which was 24.05 miles. The difference was not riding to Auburn Trails today. I also wanted to get back home to finish watching the replay of the Paris-Roubaix race. I finished at 3:34 PM.
Starting in the afternoon it was warm but the wind wasn’t too bad. Weather conditions: 83 (humidity 67%, dew point 71), mostly cloudy, wind variable 6 mph; finish 87 (humidity 61%, dew point 72), mostly cloudy, wind SW 8 mph.
I used a different GoPro mount on the Lynskey R300 because there wasn’t enough space for the one I used on the Cervelo. I think it worked okay for shots from behind the computer. I thought the upward angle might cause a problem but it didn’t.

A look at the week’s bike rides: 7 rides, 6 of them on the road and 1 on Zwift. I used three different bikes: Cervelo 4 rides, Lynskey 2 rides, and Blue Norcross 1 ride on Zwift. Average ride distance: 30.9 miles. Fifth week in a row at 200+ miles. I need 109 miles to reach my 650 road mile goal for April. My consecutive biking streak from February 17th continued. March is the only month that I biked enough miles to reach my monthly goal.

I secured the Local Legend on Woodridge Forest Straightaway in Strava with my 6th ride in the last 90 days.