Atascocita – Huffman – Walden Bike Ride. 21 mph Wind Gusts, Of Course
Great day for a bike ride. I rolled out at 10:14 AM hoping to see a few other cyclists along the “Atascocita – Huffman – Walden” route. I did see two other cyclists on W. Lake Houston Parkway as I rode south they went to the north. I rode my Cervelo Caledonia bike 32.36 miles pushing the week’s total to 204.96 miles. When I started the ride today I needed 28 miles to hit 200+ miles for the week. This is the fourth week in a row at 200+ miles. For the month I am at 317.78 miles, 49% of my 650 mile goal.
This was the third ride on this route in 2022. Today was about a mile shorter than the other two because I only rode through a part of Walden. Average speed was the same as the last ride and better than the first. All three rides have been on the same bike, my Cervelo Caledonia.

When the alarm went off at 6:30 this morning the temperature was 42 degrees and I wondered how long it would take to get to the 60’s. I ate breakfast while watching the final stage of the Itzulia Basque Country periodically looking at my home weather station for the temperature. When it reached 68 I paused the race and started getting ready to leave. I would finish watching after I finished the ride at 12:44 PM.
I thought the wind would be calmer today and it was at the start but as I rode the wind increased but from the south today instead of the north like yesterday. I dressed warm enough with shorts, a long sleeve jersey, and a short sleeve jersey over that. The expected high today is 86 but was cooler than that when I finished. The weather conditions for today’s bike ride: start 71 (humidity 37%, dew point 43), fair, wind S 5 mph; finish 79 (humidity 39%, dew point 52), fair, wind S 14 mph gusts 21 mph. With the wind coming from the south the humidity and dew point increased thanks to moisture from the gulf. It is still better than July and August.
Looking at the activity report from the ride I saw 35 RD changes. I rode the longest time (1:03:41) in the 35×15 gears and next (58:20) in the 35×13. Switching to distance the gear combinations reverse, 15.1 miles in 35×13 and 13.1 miles in the 35×15. The 35×13 can move me along over the same distance in a shorter amount of time. My legs felt good. The new saddle surfaces feel a little different but I am adapting.
The GoPro mount I ordered from AliExpress arrived yesterday. It uses a Garmin quarter turn with a GoPro mount on the other side. I’m planning on using this and a Garmin mount to hold the GoPro for a quick release in place of my rear jersey pocket. Now I need to order a Garmin mount; I only use Wahoo computers.
The last couple of rides on FM 1960 I saw a sign alerting to an upcoming street closure. From 4/18 to 4/27 Atascocita Shores Drive will be closed for construction. I need to figure out how this will impact riding east over Lake Houston.