Zwift Ride On Watopia Out and Back Again Route
Scrolling through the Watopia routes in Zwift I found the Out and Back Again route without a green checkmark. The miles and climbing were a significant increase over yesterday’s ride but I decided to tackle it. I tried to find a ride to join but none appealed to me. I want to ride on the new Neokyo routes and I think the only way I can do that is on a scheduled event. According to Strava I rode 26.79 miles and climbed 1,096 feet. Some of the climbs hit 10%. I tried standing to pedal but my rear tire slipped against the Kickr Snap roller. I changed the mat under my Blue Norcross AL bike before the ride. When I put the bike back on the Kickr I didn’t tighten the resistance enough. I didn’t want to stop to fix that. No support crew in Zwift.
Outside it was 55 degrees when I started the ride at 11:47 AM, below my 60 degree threshold. It was supposed to rain but I don’t think it did. describes the route as ““Out and Back Again†is a route which is quite flat… until it isn’t. Released as part of Zwift’s Fuego Flats desert expansion, this oddly-named route isn’t an out and back at all, but rather two loops connected in a figure 8-style course.”

Four personal records in Strava.