Route Detour, Why So Many Dead Deer? Voting Rarity
Some fog in the area this morning slowed the sun coming out and my bike ride start. Wheels were down and rolling at 11:14 AM on my Canyon Endurace bike. Today I chose my “Huffman – Liberty County Line” route for some variety. That worked out as planned until I rode west on Huffman – Eastgate Road and encountered a road closed sign at Willy Road by the Huffman Middle School. I took the detour north and changed the route to “May Park Community Center – Huffman” adding a few miles to the bike ride. Not long after I turned onto Willy Road a cyclist approached from the other direction and we waved. Later he commented on my Strava ride activity page. He was the second cyclist I saw today. The other was on FM 1960 around Fairlake Lane, he was going west while I headed east.
With the change in the route I ended up riding 40.5 miles which put me over my 625 mile goal for October with 648.55 miles. This marked the 7th time riding this route in 2021. I didn’t venture too far into Liberty County, just long enough for a break in the traffic to make the u-turn.

Yesterday I forgot about seeing a doe in Valley Ranch. As I rode east on Azalea Blvd. to my right in the grass about 100 away a doe ran parallel before making a left turn crossing the street and into the grass and over a hill. Earlier I saw another dead deer along side the road. Today as I rode east on FM 1960 past Huffman I saw a buck deer laying in the ditch to my right between the railroad tracks and the road. He had a large set of antlers. Whoever hit him probably suffered some damage unless it was a train.
Also yesterday the two dogs at Rock Creek Drive and Northpark Drive saw me when I stopped for the traffic light. The dark brown one stood at a distance keeping silent while the brown and white dog barked at me. He moved towards me until I looked his way and he moved back repeating this until the light changed. I turned right and the brown and white dog ran parallel to me in the grass barking. He came to an abrupt stop like a fence was in his way and turned back. He does this each time I ride by there. I don’t know why he stops with plenty of open grass beside the road.
On Tuesday I noticed a drive through voting setup at the Kingwood Community Center, Today I took my driver’s license and voter registration card with and on the way back I stopped to vote. The ladies there commented I was the first person to come vote on a bicycle.
I didn’t bring a snack on today’s ride since I thought the route would be shorter. I did eat a banana before the ride and used my CamelBak for hydration. I thought I might bonk but finished the ride in good shape. On the way back I got my overall average speed up to 14.3 mph and held it until I returned to Kingwood. I finished the bike ride at 2:23 PM. It would’ve been sooner but the voting people had a problem finding my name in the list.