Fall Blows In With 27 mph Gusts, Headwind Battle to Tavola
The big news for today’s bike ride: fall weather arrived with a strong north wind. It just so happened that the bike ride went north on my “New Caney – Tavola – Valley Ranch” route. I planned this a couple of days ago not thinking a strong wind would be coming at me on the way to Tavola. I delayed the start until 10:53 AM after going to Humble to check on something at church. This also gave some time for the temperature to go up a few degrees. Riding my Lynskey R300 I went 35.14 miles boosting the week to 118.15 miles and the month to 615.35 miles, only 85 miles away from my goal. 13 times I rode today’s route in 2021. The last time was September 8th which surprises me that it was that long ago. A 200 mile week looks possible.
The first day of fall arrived with a front last night. The temperature dropped from yesterday’s bike ride. It was pleasant biking but I’m glad I wore my arm sleeves. Once I warmed up and the shade lessened it felt good. Unbelievable low humidity and dew points for here.
Getting to Tavola took lots of hard pedaling as the headwind buffeted me. I got a little relief when the trees or building on my right blocked some of the wind. I used a lower gear than normal until I got into Tavola. The ride back to Kingwood felt good with the tailwind providing an assist. I upped my speed riding south improving my overall average speed to 13.7 mph after struggling earlier.
Before leaving after taking the Lynskey to the back gate I noticed the left seat pad on the BiSaddle was out of position. The last ride on the bike was uncomfortable for my left sitting area. I moved the seat pad in some and this ride was much better.