10 Seconds Of Rain, Strong Headwind
When you bike as often as I do coming up with different routes is a problem. Today I rode my “New Caney – Gene Campbell Road” route and after finishing and checking SportTracks I was surprised to find this was only the 4th time I rode this route in 2021. Starting at 9:42 AM was good with a chance of afternoon showers. I finished at 12:51 PM without hitting any rain. Well, some rain came down for about 10 seconds on Gene Campbell Blvd. causing a brief concern. You can see the clouds in the video. I rode my Canyon Endurace bike going 38.33 miles. Of the 4 times riding the route today was the longest but not by much. 2021 YTD miles (5846) now exceeds 2020 YTD by 9 miles, up from 1 mile yesterday.

Wind was strong today. At the beginning it was 8 mph but by the finish it jumped to 13 mph with 21 mph gusts. Biking west on Gene Campbell Blvd. was hard with the headwind. At the time I knew it was strong but I didn’t realize it was that strong. Making the left turn onto FM 1314 and riding SE the tailwind was nice. Overall weather conditions: start 86 (76% humidity, 77.1 dew point), mostly cloudy, wind W 8 mph; finish 88 (63% humidity, 73.6 dew point), mostly cloudy, wind W 13 mph gusts 21 mph. Lately the wind has not been this strong.
During the bike ride I captured the Strava Local Legend on Briar Willow to Lodge segment.