In And Out Of Rain So It Must Be Tuesday Bike Ride
The plan was to ride to Ramsey Road and back but that didn’t quite happen. I started the bike ride at 9:55 AM. I rode my Canyon Endurace bike. A little earlier start than yesterday. I checked the weather radar before leaving and didn’t see any rain which was encouraging. Not more than a few minutes into the ride and light rain began. It lasted for about a mile. Looking at the sky it looked like rain but I hoped to ride away or around it.
Riding south and east took me back into the light rain until I crossed Kingwood Drive and it stopped. The streets were wet but no falling rain. Since I was already wet and no lightning I kept biking. In Atascocita the streets were dry except close to the curb and I thought my route plan might come to be. In Walden the dry streets continued. When I got to FM 1960 the road was wet until I was on the concrete causeway over Lake Houston. It stayed this way until I rode east of FM 2100 when the light rain returned. In the distance where I wanted to ride I saw rain falling so I turned around changing the route to “Atascocita – Walden – FM 2100”. Not as far as I wanted to ride but almost.
I was dry for about 1/2 a mile riding west on Old Atascocita Road when I hit light rain again and it hung with me until I reached the church on Fairlake Lane. The sky looked wet to the east but I would be biking west over Lake Houston. The rest of the ride was without rain. The streets that were wet when I was leaving Kingwood were now dry and the clouds didn’t look so rain producing. I finished the bike ride at 12:37 PM, rinsed off the Canyon and went inside.
A summary of the bike rides this year on the “Atascocita – Walden – FM 2100” route I ended up following. 11 times on the route. Today’s 33.55 miles about average.