Before Dental Work, Kingwood – FM1485 – Kingwood Bike Ride
The Tour of The Alps ended early enough to help get today’s bike ride started at 10:22 AM. I rode north on my “Kingwood – FM 1485 – Kingwood” route biking 31.83 miles by the 12:48 PM finish. The main reason for the early start was a dental appointment this afternoon.
The week now totals 145.09 miles and April is up to 671.7 miles. I am not gaining on YTD 2020 miles with 2021 trailing by 46 miles. This was the 6th time I biked this route in 2021. The week is in a good position to reach 200+ miles and I am considering an organized ride on Saturday.
I rode my Lynskey 300 bike pushing the odometer to 3,821 miles.
With the early start the temperature was hovering just above 60 when I got ready improving to 64 by the time I walked out the door. Bike ride weather: start 64 (50% humidity, 45 dew point), partly cloudy, wind E 9 mph; finish 69 (52% humidity, 51 dew point), partly cloudy, wind E 15 mph. The wind got stronger during the ride and riding to the east I noticed harder pedaling. I wore shorts, leg warmers, a long sleeve thermal jersey and a windbreaker jacket. I was a little chilly at the start but after about 15 minutes of biking I didn’t notice it any longer.
Friday’s weather forecast contains rain but maybe not until mid day.
I stopped in Valley Ranch and took the photos at the Valley Ranch Parkway and Texas 99 interchange.
Notice the blue sky in the background. Clouds increased some by the end of the bike ride.