History Did Not Repeat On Today’s Bike Ride
Earlier this morning my Google Nest Hub displayed a photo from 3 years ago today when I had a flat tire. I hoped that didn’t repeat on today’s bike ride. The ride 3 years ago was on a different route to the north.

It didn’t repeat today.
I started today’s bike ride at 12:23 PM after waiting for the temperature to get above 60 and doing a few chores. I chose the “Atascocita – Walden – Huffman” route to ride my Canyon Endurace CF SLX bike. I biked 33.43 miles pushing the week’s total to 129.55 miles. That leave 70 miles to make it a 200+ mile week but help is on the way. I will ride the Baytown YMCA Gator Ride tomorrow which in the past covers 51 miles. That would leave 20 miles for an Easter Sunday bike ride. This was the 7th time biking on this route in 2021; 5 times on my Canyon and 2 times on my Lynskey. 2021 YTD miles trails 2020 by 27 miles. I’m not gaining any ground but maybe tomorrow will change that.
That weather I waited to warm up just barely got over 60 and the strong wind had a mean chill to it. Weather conditions: start 64 (30% humidity, 31.6 dew point), mostly cloudy, wind E 14 mph; finish 66 (27% humidity, 31.3 dew point), overcast, wind SE 12 mph gusts 17 mph. I practiced for tomorrow’s Gator Ride when it will be colder at the start and maybe a little warmer at the finish. I wore shores, leg warmers, a long sleeve thermal jersey, windbreaker jacket, and regular gloves. My fingers were chilly until I got to the part of the ride where the sun was out.
With the headwind all the way to FM 2100 I powered through it. 45% of the riding time was spent in power zones 1 and 2 leaving 55% in zones 3 through 7 according to Golden Cheetah. 16% was in zone 5.

History Did Not Repeat On Today’s Bike Ride — No Comments
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