Texas Biking Action December 6th 2020
The 2020 All Souls’ Day Ride stopped at seven Ghost Bikes in Houston. I reflect on the ride, cycling safety, and hear from Felipe Pinales at David Leon Loya, Jr.’s ghost bike. This episode opens and ends with the Ghisallo Prayer which prays for intercession from La Madonna del Ghisallo, the patron saint of cyclists. …
Sunday Recovery Spinning with Amy
Mark Noblitt | www.strava.com
There are two types of cyclists:
Alex Maldonado | www.strava.com
Those who only ride when they’re feeling good and those who ride because it makes them feel good.
Afternoon Ride
Carlos H. | www.strava.com
Possum Pedal Post Ride
Roy and Christine | roy-pedalpushers.blogspot.com
You know you are in Texas when– Part of the fun of going on bike tours is seeing the various sights of new places. Since Graham is northwest of Fort Worth-Dallas, I guess it could be classified as part of the "Wild West." I meant to publish this right after the main Possum Pedal post but somehow got distracted and left it in drafts. …