Zwifting in Richmond Rather Than A Houston Chill Bike Ride
As I predicted today’s ride happened on Zwift. This morning 32.9 degrees greeted me when I went to the kitchen after I got up. By the time I got ready to begin the ride it “warmed” up to 54, again below my 60 degree threshold.
The event started at 12:05 PM with 260 participants. I chose the Zwift “3R Richmond Flat Race – 6 Laps” course. Getting ready put me on the bike but I had to get off the bike and walk to another room which caused the cadence sensor to disconnect from the Zwift app but I reconnected it and began the ride on time though at the back of the peloton. At the start I held position 242 but over the course of the ride I moved up to 204 out of 260. I rode the “D” class and the higher groups whizzed by from time to time. Photos of my computer monitor.
Today the screen layout returned to what I saw in other rides except yesterday’s. This leads me to believe yesterday’s screen comes with workouts and today’s screen is for rides/races. The last photo shows me in position 200 near the finish.
Goals for November: 360 road miles and 100 virtual ride miles. The weather can be tricky in November so the road miles may be scattered around.
SportTracks Zwift Ride Summary