We Pause This Activity While Life Goes On Bike Ride
I thought I would ride to Huffman today but checking the weather radar before leaving home I spotted some rain to the east of Huffman so I changed to the “New Caney – Roman Forest Blvd – Oakhurst” route going to the north. I biked 32.36 miles. My August miles now total 576.03 miles, 72% of my goal. The ride started at 11:31 AM and finished at 1:57 PM.
This will be my last bike ride for awhile. My wife asked me to stay home as she battles cancer as a hospice patient.
Weather during the bike ride: start 93 (65% humidity, 79.8 dew point), partly cloudy, wind SE 6 mph. Finish 95 (55% humidity, 75.9 dew point), mostly cloudy, wind S 6 mph. I continue to feel a change in the weather intensity even with the temperature in the mid 90’s.
This was a one water bottle refill bike ride today. When i stopped I noticed a car with Ohio license plate and when the man walked to the door at the New Caney Mobil station I asked him where he was from in Ohio. He said from Dayton and I told him I grew up in Zanesville which he said he drove through several times on I-70. He told me he was driving from Rustin, LA, to see his doctor because this doctor looked him in the eyes when they talked. He told me he lived in Houston before Rustin. I agreed about his reason for driving that far to see his doctor; good ones are hard to find.
I didn’t take as much video as previous rides.
SportTracks Bike Ride Summary

Strava Year Progressions YTD Bike Ride Miles