Blue Sky, Stiff Tailwind, Low Humidity Bike Ride
What a blue sky for today’s bike ride and humidity low enough to celebrate. The ride began at 11:07 AM as I set out on the “New Caney – Tavola – Valley Ranch” route. I biked 35.82 miles putting the week at 110.68 miles and July at 745.7 miles, 54.3 miles away from my goal of 800 miles.
Weather during the bike ride: start 81 (58% humidity, 65.3 dew point), fair, wind NE 16 mph 23 mph gusts. Finish 86 (46% humidity, 63.2 dew point), a few clouds, wind N 16 mph. I was comfortable wearing arm sleeves with the low humidity. The dew point tells how dry it was.
On the way to I-69/US59 for the ride north I stopped in Woodridge Forest and took these photos to show the blue sky.
The flags in the background of the second photo give a hint about the wind I would face riding north to Tavola. I pedaled hard to get there slowly moving my average speed to 13.5 mph.
Riding east on Via Principale Parkway I stopped at Tavola Drive to take this photo because the sky was so blue in rearview mirror. In the distance is a Roman Forest Police cruiser approaching. When the cruiser pulled up beside me the officer asked if I was okay and wished me well as he drove on.

After leaving there I rode on a new street before returning to Roman Forest Blvd. The ride back to Kingwood was much faster with tailwind helping get up to 19 mph or more. This boosted my average speed to 14.4 mph. I thoroughly enjoyed the blue sky, tailwind and low humidity as I finished the ride at 1:48 PM.
Hopefully this weather last a couple of more days.
SportTracks Bike Ride Summary

Strava Bike Ride Summary

Strava Year Progressions YTD Bike Ride Miles