Tram Road With A Dose of Casey Ridge Apprehension Bike Ride
As I thought about which route to ride today I wanted a different one. At first I considered going north and riding east on FM 1485 to Casey Ridge and then into Roman Forest. FM 1485 doesn’t have wide shoulders in many places plus I wondered about loose dogs in Casey Ridge. Many years ago there was a dog sprint on a street as I entered Casey Ridge from the north but that is the only one I can remember. Recently I saw another cyclist on ride through Roman Forest and north on Tram Road. I commented on the ride asking how the dogs were and he replied he didn’t see any. The reason I asked was the last time (6/28/16) two dogs chased me but fortunately there was a chainlink fence between us.
With those in mind I held off deciding until I was underway. Starting at 10:09 AM with the weather looking good for a long ride. The weather during the bike ride: start 84 (82% humidity), mostly cloudy, wind W 8 mph. Finish 93 (57% humidity), a few clouds, wind W 12 mph. My summer bike ride kit: shorts, a short sleeve jersey, and arm sleeves.
Riding north to Porter I went east on FM 1314 to Loop 494 to detour around the construction on I-68/US59 frontage road at Community Drive. At some point Loop 494 will be affected by the construction but not so far. I had not made my route decision yet and as I neared the fork I chose the “New Caney – Roman Forest – Splendora” route and continued biking north on Loop 494. Entering Tavola I followed the streets I usually ride when I circle into Roman Forest but keep riding east to Tram Road. Roman Forest Blvd. shrinks to two lanes and the road is deteriorated east of Tram Road which why I don’t ride there anymore. Tram Road has a nice smooth asphalt surface most of the way to FM 2090. Before beginning the Tram Road leg I took these photos.
Traffic on Tram Road in the past was very light. Sometimes I rode the 2 miles to FM 2090 and not be passed but today numerous cars and pickups passed in both directions. I am happy to report no dog sprints required though about two thirds of the way to FM 2090 two dogs on chains did bark a lot as I rode by. The chains appeared to be firmly attached to large doghouses. So I can add this route into my routine again.
In Splendora I stopped at the Chevron station for ice and water and to eat a Clif Bar for energy. Back on the Canyon I rode south with the wind mostly from my right side not causing me too much of a problem. When I got to Porter I pulled into the Circle K station and took a rest break checking email, drinking water and then adding more ice and water to my bottle before leaving to finish the ride.
Heading into Kingwood around the 42 mile point my average speed was 14.1 mph but would drop down as I made my way the residential streets and trails to finish the ride at 2:02 PM. Looking at rides several years ago I see that my average speed today is 1 mph slower, sometimes 2 mph slower. I am going to attribute that to being older, a different bike, and a different bike computer. Anything else I can blame?
With today’s 46.89 miles I am ahead of the pace I need to reach my 800 mile goal for June with 202.03 miles, 25% of the goal, and 169.3 miles for the week.
Saturday’s weather will be hotter and dry so I will be on the bike.
SportTracks Bike Ride Summary

Strava Year Progressions YTD Bike Ride Miles
2018 refuses to let 2019 miles get ahead while all of the other years have given 2019 the passing sign.