Breaking in a New Jersey With Rain Bike Ride
For a change my timing bicycling in the potential rain worked out in my favor. I rode the “May Park Community Center – Huffman” route starting at 10:46 am. At the beginning the weather didn’t look too threatening but as I rode more to the south the sky gathered some dark clouds. But they were to the west and my route went to the east so I felt somewhat comfortable about not getting caught by rain.
With days in the month getting less I needed to ride at least 35+ miles to keep on a pace to reach my 700 mile goal for the month. Today’s ride came in at 40.44 miles so I accomplished that. This puts me at 514.79 miles for September or 74% of my goal. With rain in the forecast for the next 3 days biking might be difficult so each mile is important.
Every time the route pointed to the west I saw dark clouds and as I rode across Lake Houston to the east I started hearing distant thunder. Pressing on a few sprinkles hit me on Farilake Drive but not for long. At FM 2100 the route went north and as I biked I looked to the west to see more dark clouds but I figured they would not come to the east. So far so good. The ride on FM 1960 to the east stayed dry and as I made the turn around at the Liberty County line I again looked to the west to see the dark clouds coming closer.
On Willy Road workers laying asphalt blocked one lane but the flag man gave me the go ahead. Rather than putting down asphalt on the whole width of the road they put down patches in large sections. I hope it smooths out because it looked rough. Next I stopped at the May Community Center for water and a short rest. I took these photos.
The second photo shows some of the clouds in the west. Leaving the center I rode west on Wolf Road to FM 2100. This is where the timing comes into play. As I approached the traffic light I felt a few rain drops and as a precaution I went to the pumps at the Texaco station where a large canopy provides shelter. At first the rain didn’t increase but when I thought about riding on the it did. I decided to stay put and wait for the it to move through since it looked like it was coming from the south where I was headed. The Wahoo Elemnt ride summary when I stopped.
As I waited for the rain to let up or stop I took these photos.
I thought about resuming the ride a couple of times but the rain increased so I stayed put. I took the second picture because I retired from Sysco and the truck pulled in during the rain to deliver food for the station’s restaurant. I went over and talked with the driver who makes this stop on Thursdays. After an hour rain delay I got back on the Canyon bike and headed south on FM 2100 to Huffman where I stopped at the Chevron station for water and ice. On the way there the road was wet and muddy in places coating me and the Canyon. From the Chevron station riding west the road dried off some and by the time I was going through Atascocita Shores the streets were dry but the thunder was not too far away so I hurried to finish the ride and not get wetter.
Finishing at 2:54 pm, about an hour late, I washed the Canyon off and my shoes before going inside where the A/C felt like 40 degrees because I was soaked with sweat.
Lost in all of the wet and dirty biking was the new Primal Wear Torque jersey.
Primal Wear Torque Jersey Front
Primal Wear Torque Jersey Back