Thermal Jersey and 20,000 Miles Bike Ride
With today’s bike ride my Stradalli Red Pro 14 bike passed 20,000 miles. This happened while I rode the “Kingwood – SH 242 – Kingwood” route for a total of 35.72 miles. March has been a slow riding month with only 5 bike rides so far. The weather has contributed to some of the off bike time and my schedule some to. You would think being retired all I have to do is biking but life throws other things in the mix too. One day to replace the back door on the house, another day going to the medical center and then miscellaneous chores around.
Today I got a late start leaving at 1:46; thank goodness for daylight savings time. My wife’s sister and brother-in-law and niece came to visit and I waited for them to arrive. Also the weather was slow to warm up to the 60’s due to a cool front passing through last night. It was 40 degrees when I got this morning. I am waiting for the 80 to 90 degree days to get here. The wind had a bite to it so I loaded up with leg warmers, long sleeve thermal jersey, short sleeve jersey and windbreaker jacket. I probably could’ve left the short sleeve jersey at home since I perspired through to the jacket. When I finished the bike ride at 4:20 the clear blue sky was still with me. Fortunately the south 4 mph breeze did not increase the wind chill.
No other serious bicyclists along the route today. Maybe the chill kept them off the roads.
Another cold night and then Wednesday weather should repeat today’s. I plan on biking but the high is supposed to “only” reach 70; another thermal jersey and jacket ride.