Plethora of Weather Bike Ride
I stepped out the back door around 12:30 to check on the temperature before getting ready to ride. It was nice and warm at 76 degrees. I went back inside and decided shorts, short sleeve jersey and long sleeve jersey would be right. I had waited for the three weather bands to clear out. The first one didn’t do much and the second one dropped rain for a few minutes. The third one slipped to the north missing Kingwood it seemed. By the time I got dressed, ate and got out the door at 1:17 I could tell the weather had changed. The wind was cooler and the temperature moved down to 75. The overcast sky though did not look threatening.
Riding around the corner I could tell the cool front had arrived. I turned around and went back home to add some clothing. Adding leg warmers, windbreaker jacket and full finger gloves I was back out the door.
The wind was out of the W at 16 mph with gusts to 29 mph as the front arrived.
I began to think the original route I planned on might not stick. Riding south to exit Kingwood I rode through light rain on Kingwood Drive as I passed Kingwood High School. The rain stayed with me until I was riding through Kingwood Greens on my way back to W. Lake Houston Parkway. By the time I turned right onto W. Lake Houston Parkway the stopped. Crossing over the San Jacinto river the road surface became wet as I left the bridge. At that point I changed my route to the “Kingwood to FM1960” and circled back home. The streets were wet until I got back on the bridge. The wind was in my face and I had to fight it most of the way home. To get some miles I didn’t take my usual route going into Elm Grove and Sherwood Trails.
When I got home at 2:46 the temperature had dropped to 65 degrees and the wind had kicked up from the NW at 20 mph with 37 mph gusts. And the sun peaked out from behind the clouds for a few minutes.
Even thought I didn’t ride as far as I planned January miles now stand at 214 leaving 45 miles to hit my goal of 259. The next two days are going to be cold below my riding cutoff. Next week the weather could warm up some. I will bike if it does.
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