So Dry on this Bike Ride
Riding the “Kingwood – Hare Cook Road – Kingwood” route through the grass farms I stopped to take these pictures.
In the field behind my bike is a very large lawn sprinkler watering the grass. I could hear the engine on the pump moving water from an irrigation canal to the left.
While riding the route I was passed by another biker on Old Atascocita Road east of FM2100. He rode ahead of me for about 1/2 a mile and then turned around towards FM2100. I waved as he rode by.
The “cool” front arrived during the night but little to no rain fell. The temperature when I left home at 12:20 was 90 degrees but more importantly the humidity was 35%. By the time I got back home the temperature was up to 94 degrees and the humidity was down to 22%. Sweating while riding was almost gone before it could come out of my pores. The clear blue sky and 6 mph NNW breeze was just enough to dry off my jersey and shorts whenever I stopped. Not much of a cool front but more of a dry front.
On the 43.78 mile long ride I looked at my cadence more than usual trying to stay in 80 to 90 range as I shift to higher gears. I rode at a more consistent speed and my average speed increased more smoothly. I kept it at 15.1 mph for a majority of the ride. This became a fight riding north on FM2100 from the Hare-Cook Road intersection. The wind was in my face all the way to Huffman where I stopped at the Chevron station to give my legs a chance to recover. This was 32.03 miles into the ride. I got there about 2:43 and stayed until 3:18. I ate some snacks and drank Powerade. I should’ve drank more water. Up to the rest stop I only consumed 1 large water bottle. The weather while I stopped at the Chevron station.
This weather is supposed to continue for several days. Great biking weather in southeast Texas.
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