Don’t Skip the Wrist Bands
I made one mistake on today’s ride, I skipped the wrist bands. The ride began at 7:12 when it was cooler (see below) but much more humid. I thought the cooler temperature would offset the humidity but boy was I wrong. It didn’t take long for my gloves to get soaked with perspiration. My hands had a tough time gripping the handlebars from all of the moisture. I am not sure the wrist bands could absorb all of the perspiration but they would have slowed the flow at least. No more skipping them until cool fall weather arrives.
Because of my limited time I rode the “Atascocita – Walden” route for 22.13 miles. I needed to be back home by 8:45 and I beat that by 1 minute arriving there at 8:44. I stopped at 15 miles to wring out my gloves and again at the Bank of America on W. Lake Houston Parkway. Each time I was surprised how water I squeezed out. As I rode out of the bank entrance onto Rustic Woods I saw another rider decked out in an Astana kit coming towards me. I waved but I am not sure he did.
The weather on the left is at the beginning of the ride and the one on the right is at the end.
Riding this early in the day I saw activity I normally miss. Food delivery trucks making stops and people out walking their dogs. I expected traffic to be heavier with people driving to work but it was light. On the way back home from Walden the traffic increased some. I did avoid the much hotter temperatures from later in the day. It could reach 103 to 105 by Sunday.
With today’s ride it made the 11th consecutive day biking. I don’t ride this route often because it is shorter than normal but it was the 3rd time I rode this route in 2015 (see the ride comparison below). August miles moved up to 225. My goal is 956 miles. With the hot an dry weather I plan on a longer ride tomorrow but I haven’t decided on which route yet.
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